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Washing Machine Detox Tablets - Mad About Nature

Washing Machine Detox Tablets

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Deep clean your washing machine & keep it running efficiently
x 6 tablets for 6 applications
Remove build-up of powder or liquids
Use before using the ecoegg Laundry Egg
Clean pipes and remove odours
Cruelty Free Vegan SLS Free


Ecoegg’s Washing Machine Detox Tablets give your washing machine a really good deep-down clean – even in the areas you can’t see. They remove limescale, powder residue and soap scum from all the nooks and crannies.

By getting to the very heart of the problem, ecoegg Detox Tablets clear away any residual build-ups from your washing machine and eliminate those nasty odours too – leaving your machine cleaner, shinier and working more efficiently.

How to use

Unwrap one Detox Tablet and place it in the drum of your empty machine with no clothing and then run your hottest wash cycle, preferably at 90 degrees.

Ecoegg recommends detoxing your machine every month. This ensures your washing machine pipes stay clean and keeps it operating more effectively.


Sodium percarbonate, Acifloctin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate.

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